The perfectionist’s imperfection

The law of Conservation of energy says that “energy can be converted into other forms, but cannot be created or destroyed”. It’s a law that applies to atoms and stars, gravity and electricity, bacteria and humans. But the scientific view that physics offers on energy is different from the subjective experience of energy in our minds and bodies. Exercise, stress, thoughts and emotions all influence our energy levels in distinct ways.
In The perfectionist’s imperfection I share my experience of perfectionism and how it affects my perception of energy. It’s a story about climbing metaphorical cliffs, intuitive all-ins, washcloth creativity and interpersonal vulnerabilities.

Want to read more? Click here to read the full story. “The perfectionist’s imperfection”

Polar bears on ice – Part 2

Some things in life are decided for us by Obviousness, the obese uncle of Karma and Lady Luck who talks the loudest and is always the first one in line at the buffet of choice. When Obviousness picked up his plate and looked at the plethora of options with large eyes, who else would get chosen to go on the Olympic trip with me but a friend whose nickname is pronounced as “bear”.

Want to read more? Click here to read the full story. “Polar bears on ice – Part 2”

Polar bears on ice – Part 1

A coin flips. Lady Luck waves a hand and smiles. There’s a tingle as the coin hits the floor. It balances on its side, unsure what to do.

“No! Not this time,” Karma growls. Her slender hand soars through the air, slapping Lady Luck hard across the cheek. The coin decides and topples. Karma is a bitch.

“Polar bears on ice” is an ice skating spectacle for the whole family, starring Olympic level polar bear sledding, a formula to calculate the distance of culinary decadence, awkward introductions with Olympic celebrities and, in the lead role, a skill game of mathematical proportions.

Want to read more? Click here to read the full story. “Polar bears on ice – Part 1”

Pirates of the Sorrybbean

Like many people I love going to the cinema to watch a good movie, to enjoy splashing special effects on the big screen, to get sucked into a gripping story and feel an emotional connection to the characters due to magnificent acting. Yet for some reason I found myself at a movie theatre watching “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” a few years back; a movie that is not exactly known to be the best in the series, but rather Disney’s third squeeze of money out of a wobbly boat attraction – just like the people in Stø; frickin Stø.

Continue reading for a story about raving sound effects, an intermission folded in the fourth dimension, a scientifically correct complaint and two atoning movie tickets.

Want to read more? Click here to read the full story. “Pirates of the Sorrybbean”

The birth of Fluffy the photon

Sometimes all you need is a little push. For a tiny particle it can be the difference between life and not even being created at all. This story is about Bieber fans, Braveheart, the smell of barbecued meat, a glass wall and most importantly it’s a story about Fluffy the photon.

Want to read more? Click here to read the full story. “The birth of Fluffy the photon”